Actions Speak Loudest

Goodyear “Noble Obsession” commercial
The CODE-X series catalogs a vast codex of source codes (aka “signs”) extracted from past audits.
The object of study in semiotics is not the signs but rather a general theory of signification; the goal of each “audit” is to build a model demonstrating how meaning is produced and received within a category or cultural territory. Signs on their own, therefore, only become truly revelatory and useful once we’ve sorted them into thematic complexes, and the complexes into codes, and the codes into a meaning map. We call this process “thick description”; the Code-X series is thin description.

“ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDEST” NORM: Let your actions do the talking; the less said, the better.

“ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDEST” FORMS: Men performing courageously, but not talking about it. Tough guys with no need to boast. Taciturn. “Talk less.” “How many car ads have you seen with grandiose speeches?”
From a 2018 study of the Strong & Stoic space — defined as doing your duty, toughing it out, self-sacrificing, uncomplaining.