Josh Glenn
Josh Glenn is a Boston- and Kingston (NY)-based consulting semiotician. He is cofounder of the consultancy Semiovox, editor of the websites SEMIOVOX and HILOBROW, and founding editor of The MIT Press's proto-sf RADIUM AGE series. He is an adjunct instructor at RISD and convenor of the monthly online Semiofest Sessions. His books include The Idler's Glossary, Significant Objects, and the family activities guide Unbored. In the ’90s, Josh published the intellectual zine/journal Hermenaut; in the 2000s, he was a founding staffer and columnist for the Boston Globe's IDEAS section.
Monkey Whimsey
A wise and compassionate, yet still quick-witted and humorous, figure.
Minstrel Mickey
A black body and head, large eyeballs, and a partially white face.
Rock’n’Roll High School
Losers don’t know how to behave triumphantly when they win.