Marketing Case File (Marketing)
Pet Food
"Embrace your status as an animal and fellowship with all other species…"
After completing a doctorate on Shakespeare, Malcolm Evans taught literature and critical theory in the UK and US. In 1988 he became academic consultant to Semiotic Solutions, the first UK based agency offering applied semiotics and cultural insight for brands internationally. There he introduced the Residual, Dominant and Emergent mapping tool for cultural and communication codes, its first appearance in the repertoire of marketing semiotics. From Semiotic Solutions he moved on to pioneering brand strategists Added Value, then co-founded Space Doctors, leaving in 2015 to focus on his own writing and research while continuing to work on advanced semiotics and cultural insight training. Malcolm remains involved with client projects in line with his social, environmental and biosemiotic interests.
Marketing Case File (Marketing)
"Embrace your status as an animal and fellowship with all other species…"
Is this the end of the road for European serotonin depletion culture?