Making Sense
"We are ‘working amongst the ruins’ so there’s a scope to be creative and brave."
Semioticians based in — or originally from — the European continent
"We are ‘working amongst the ruins’ so there’s a scope to be creative and brave."
"The real power of semiotics lies in understanding how consumers create their own meaning systems."
"You need to be comfortable with uncertainty, contradiction, and change."
"Achieving a deep, rich understanding of why we behave the way we do is the most rewarding part of the job."
"Don’t set off to be a semiotician — instead, let semiotics set you off."
"It’s a semiotician’s imagination, open mind, and creative ability which are truly rare."
"It's essential to cultivate the feeling of being surprised by the ordinary…"
"Eco said that semiotics would be the philosophy of the 21st century and I believe him."