Making Sense
"We're all semioticians — we all 'decode' as part of our everyday lives."
What makes semioticians tick? We asked members of the international community of semiotic practitioners to answer 10 questions. Here's a series overview, organized by region.
"We're all semioticians — we all 'decode' as part of our everyday lives."
"You need to be comfortable with uncertainty, contradiction, and change."
"We're surrounded by messages. The semiotician asks: How have these been configured?"
"Achieving a deep, rich understanding of why we behave the way we do is the most rewarding part of the job."
"Don’t set off to be a semiotician — instead, let semiotics set you off."
"It’s a semiotician’s imagination, open mind, and creative ability which are truly rare."
"A semiotician must have an open heart — capable of appreciating the world beyond one's own perspective."
"Powerful cultural insight is the wellspring of change, and change is what we need."
"The skill of the semiotician is to have the muscles for pattern recognition more developed."