Semiotics in/of movies…
Wild in the Streets
Shelley Winters struggles to close the generation gap.
Caddyshack Codes
An interlocking mandala of paradigms and thematic complexes.
The Asphalt Jungle
The least understood aspect of the human psyche is the ego.
And We Lived Beneath the Waves
Psychedelic revelations about the artificial nature of reality.
Gone With the Wind
Bodies will be stacked together on battlefields like so much cordwood.
Beach Party
The moment at which the Anti-Anti-Utopian Generation grows up.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Pure Hitchcock: tragic and comic at precisely the same instant.
Les Valseuses
Half-wild denizens of “la zone” on the outskirts of a large town.
The Thirty-Nine Steps
Sexy, thrilling, and — thanks to the sandwiches — very British indeed.
Blade Runner
Viewers never question Deckard’s humanity… except, perhaps, during this scene.