Apocalypse Now
In the existential jungle, empathy makes a man fitter for survival. But at what price?
Semiotics in/of movies…
In the existential jungle, empathy makes a man fitter for survival. But at what price?
In life, as in baseball, things can always get better. Or worse.
It’s not about right vs. wrong, it’s about wit vs. shit.
For one moment, it seemed as though the Eighties might turn out OK.
A non-compact topological group of bare-breasted women in G-strings.
How to survive not war, but peace, with one’s humanity intact?
Comical yet not funny, equal-opportunity in its portrayal of human folly, artificial in the extreme.
Single-night movies aren’t snapshots, they’re moonlit summoning rituals.
Beatnik gives us anti-highbrow Beat-ness without the exaltation.
How best to convey the pathos and tragedy of the Ex-Ex-Human Condition?