SEMIOFEST SESSIONS is a series of monthly online discussions by and for semioticians from around the world. (SEMIOVOX's Josh Glenn is the Sessions "convenor.") Here's a list of every session.)
Session: Un-Analyzable
On November 10, a session devoted to analyzing the un-analyzable.
Session: Semiotics & the Scientific Method
On October 27, a session devoted to the science of semiotic analysis.
Session: Body Semiotics
On September 15, a session devoted to semiotics (in, of and on) the body.
Session: Reading Culture
On July 14, a session devoted to new semiotic methods for cultural analysis!
Session: AI & Semiotics
On June 9, a session devoted to questions around sense-making AI.
Session: Umberto Eco
On May 19, a session devoted to the ongoing influence of Umberto Eco.
Session: Biosemiotics
On April 21, a session devoted to the emerging Biosemiotics discipline.
Session: Sustainability Semiotics
On March 17, a session devoted to context-appropriate sustainability strategies.
Session: Expert Testimony
On September 30, a session at which semioticians who have worked as expert witnesses discuss what iit's like…
Session: Semiofest 10th Anniversary
On June 17th, a celebration of Semiofest's 10th year in action!
Session: Behavioural Economics
On April 29th, a session featuring behavioral economists who have worked with semiotics…
Session: Flash Decoding
On March 25th, a session dedicated to sharing approaches to decoding.
Session: Semiotics & UX
On February 18th, a session dedicated to UX and semiotic practices.