Session: Highs & Lows
On October 15th, a session dedicated to swapping stories about our work.
Josh Glenn is coordinator of Semiofest’s monthly online series of informal online “sessions.” These events are intended not only to share best practices among, but to nurture collegiality and friendship within the global semio community. List of all sessions here.
On October 15th, a session dedicated to swapping stories about our work.
On September 10th, a session dedicated to perspectives on Saussurian binary opposition.
On August 13, a session dedicated to catching a glimpse of the future.
On July 9, a session devoted to the past, present, and future of RDE.
On June 11, a session devoted to a recent global audit of Coronavirus coding…
On May 14, a session devoted to the commercial realities of doing semiotics.
On April 9, a session devoted to rethinking the semiotic square…
Announcing an online series of semiotics-oriented get-togethers!