Kütür Kütür
"Turkish has an extraordinary range of words depicting food texture."
Codes and myths, narratives and icons, rituals and representations.
"Turkish has an extraordinary range of words depicting food texture."
The mode of smoking can reveal a character’s authentic “soul.”
Sartorial transformations symbolizing — and enabling — personal evolution.
"Reshaping a community's identity and future through a simple shift in narrative…"
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Didn’t expect to find any fences around here.”
Inspiring and terrifying American landscapes…
"Content consumption has become an active form of identity construction."
"Hi, how are you?"
"Kitsch — the very symbol of banality — is rarely banal."
A crucial vector through which psychedelic flower-child culture entered into the American mainstream…
We may have here a pop-culture Freudian Trio…
What can we learn from the methods of fictional semiotician-esque characters?
He’s a free spirit, waiting for the culture to catch up.