Harold and Maude
She is wisdom, love, joy.
Codes and myths, narratives and icons, rituals and representations.
She is wisdom, love, joy.
Otto will transcend the far too limiting punk-hippie dichotomy.
“People say, you know, I’m an idiot or something."
The cake has always been at odds with Indian culture.
The hardboiled protagonist has developed a sentimentality-proof exoskeleton.
“Heavy boots of lead / Fills his victims full of dread."
Blursday the fortyteenth of Maprilay.
A chastened, bewildered, deeply grateful vector of southern-fried redemptive forces.
He’s a prawn trapped in a net.
"Some people simply do not belong."
They refuse to live like “schnooks.”
"Yes, sir. I'm your pal."
“One soldier more or less doesn’t make any difference, you know.”
"Just snake a tube down her nose."