Beach Party
The moment at which the Anti-Anti-Utopian Generation grows up.
Codes and myths, narratives and icons, rituals and representations.
The moment at which the Anti-Anti-Utopian Generation grows up.
Just how nurturing can a father be… before he is emasculated?
Pure Hitchcock: tragic and comic at precisely the same instant.
Half-wild denizens of “la zone” on the outskirts of a large town.
Sexy, thrilling, and — thanks to the sandwiches — very British indeed.
Viewers never question Deckard’s humanity… except, perhaps, during this scene.
In the existential jungle, empathy makes a man fitter for survival. But at what price?
Leeloo's strength is also her weakness.
In life, as in baseball, things can always get better. Or worse.
A marvelous proliferation of Mickey’s meaning.
A blank affect can be a canny psychic-survival stratagem.
“It’s on America’s tortured brow / that Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow.”
It’s not about right vs. wrong, it’s about wit vs. shit.
The origins of today's rich, imaginative Mickey-scape.