"One can never be truly happy who does no work."
Codes and myths, narratives and icons, rituals and representations.
"One can never be truly happy who does no work."
"He had a right to enjoy his dinner."
"Shaggycoat did not like this lazy manner of living."
"Release the kraken!"
“Come in, Winter,” said Owl. “Come in and warm yourself for a while.”
"Don't cure in a hurry, as sometimes it's good to have a fool around."
Awarder of the "One-Bell" Prize.
Something of a Wizard of Oz figure…
"Niffty galifty!"
"A good question — let's find out."
"All I really wanted was a lollipop."
"Who knows anything?"
"Alvin!" shouts Mr. Owl.
"The study of mu-u-u-sical instruments is our subject for today."