Bone & Flint Necklace
"Take this," she said. "It’s to thank you for your song."
Making visible the "aesthetic envelope" that expresses and shapes feeling, belief, and moral conviction.
"Take this," she said. "It’s to thank you for your song."
Its very banality made it the perfect distillation of our fight.
An anonymous masterpiece of material culture.
Instead of a feeling of protection, my amulet doll offers a sense of connection.
They remind me of the strength of women of previous generations.
No more kids, but keep the salt and pepper…
A constant reminder that kindness is the most powerful life vehicle.
Invasion, On the Wings of Armageddon, Anti-Hero, Nitro, Palate Wrecker.
Its abrasiveness (or what you might call asperity) is perfectly calibrated.
Inside, I didn’t feel pastel or small or minimal.
There were always drugs in the house — because everyone who visited him came bearing gifts.
Pure poetry of title and color.
The suicidal ideation of the Cold War was infectious, and I caught it young.
I never gave that little silver rabbit to my mother.