Battle Ready
The spoils of victory displayed triumphantly.
Decoding the norms (ideas, values, higher-order benefits) expressed via marketing forms (language, color, context, more).
The spoils of victory displayed triumphantly.
Wherever you go, there you are: fabulous, eccentric, unique.
Snobbery and soulfulness, privilege and passion.
Projecting today's icons backward in time to see whether or not they can pass in that context.
“Thank God I’m natural”
Toilet paper as a vehicle for cuddling and caregiving.
"Be bad. Snack well."
Gum as an everyday carry — like car keys, or condoms.
How do we identify codes, and in doing so begin to construct a meaning matrix?
Pet food presented in people-food contexts.
How do we identify paradigms and thematic complexes?
“Staying home saves lives”
Wide-eyed expressions of shock and awe.
Making sense of how brands, media and culture are responding to COVID-19. (4 of 4)