Making Sense
"Everything is or can be significant and worthy of our time."
Giving voice to the global community of applied/commercial semioticians. (This "topic" is named after a now-defunct website founded by Malcolm Evans and Josh Glenn.) Click here to view Semiofest Sessions only, or here to view MAKING SENSE Q&As only.
"Everything is or can be significant and worthy of our time."
"The real power of semiotics lies in understanding how consumers create their own meaning systems."
"We're all semioticians — we all 'decode' as part of our everyday lives."
On September 15, a session devoted to semiotics (in, of and on) the body.
"You need to be comfortable with uncertainty, contradiction, and change."
"We're surrounded by messages. The semiotician asks: How have these been configured?"
"Cultivate a 'helicopter' view on things, concepts, and problems."
"We are not leaders, we are guides and pathfinders."
"Each new semiotics project is an Indiana Jones-type adventure."
On July 14, a session devoted to new semiotic methods for cultural analysis!
"Semiotics succeeds because of its vast and ambitious scope."
"Achieving a deep, rich understanding of why we behave the way we do is the most rewarding part of the job."
"Don’t set off to be a semiotician — instead, let semiotics set you off."
On June 9, a session devoted to questions around sense-making AI.