Making Sense
"Semiotics plays a crucial — even cruel, sometimes — role in guiding understanding."
Giving voice to the global community of applied/commercial semioticians. (This "topic" is named after a now-defunct website founded by Malcolm Evans and Josh Glenn.) Click here to view Semiofest Sessions only, or here to view MAKING SENSE Q&As only.
"Semiotics plays a crucial — even cruel, sometimes — role in guiding understanding."
"No matter how disruptive our insights may be, we must communicate them fearlessly."
"A semiotician must be a 'possibilist'…"
"Semiotics is like the 'Matrix' — it has its own plans for you, no matter what you may have intended."
"Semiotics may be limiting itself to solving bourgeois problems."
"Cycling through analytical modes rapidly and productively is tricky stuff."
"It’s like a kind of jazz anthropology."
"Watching, listening, seeing, feeling, multiplying the stimuli…"
"Closing the gap between what brands think they are communicating and what they’re actually communicating."
"The thrill when it all comes together is incomparable."
"You can think deeply about seemingly silly things, and derive meaning from them belied by their simplicity."
"You have to understand the situation first and then decide which tools to use."
"A purely analytical approach can't answer the question of what and where to analyze."
Interviews with semioticians from around the world.