In the Name of Love
"In case your valentine has a 'real' headache tonight."
Viewing a subject though a semiotic lens — in order to ascertain not only what it means, but how.
"In case your valentine has a 'real' headache tonight."
"Don't let pain get in the way."
"Amazing how people fool themselves."
"Finally, free yourself."
Maintaining a "flow" state is crucial.
"Brusha, brusha, brusha."
Pain knocks you flat on your back.
“Made in ranch country."
"Do you realize every second, 70 centimeters of water is wasted over that spillway?"
"Sometimes food is merely a vehicle for hot sauce."
Hot sauce isn’t just a condiment — it's a cult.
“Junior is now an eager beaver."
“We always bring the flavor.”
“Sauce it up.”