Thick Description (Abduction)
How do we identify codes, and in doing so begin to construct a meaning matrix?
Viewing a subject though a semiotic lens — in order to ascertain not only what it means, but how.
How do we identify codes, and in doing so begin to construct a meaning matrix?
Pet food presented in people-food contexts.
"He’s so much of an institution that we’re limited in what we can do with him."
How to survive not war, but peace, with one’s humanity intact?
How do we identify paradigms and thematic complexes?
“Staying home saves lives”
"A degenerate 'middlebrow' horror, mass-produced for profit."
Comical yet not funny, equal-opportunity in its portrayal of human folly, artificial in the extreme.
Wide-eyed expressions of shock and awe.
From 1944–1953, Mickey was a Mouse Without Qualities.
Single-night movies aren’t snapshots, they’re moonlit summoning rituals.
Making sense of how brands, media and culture are responding to COVID-19. (4 of 4)
“Win big at parenting.”
Mickey’s repressed characteristics had returned… in a deformed (duckbilled) fashion!