Making Sense
"Semiotic discourse analysis contributes to deconstructing dominant narratives and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups."
Dialogue, Q&As, story telling.
"Semiotic discourse analysis contributes to deconstructing dominant narratives and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups."
"All too easily, the mind drifts back onto familiar paths."
"You have to be both an actor and an observer."
Fascinating work and fun creative projects…
"Baskerville is obsessed with the meaning of things, their naming, our inevitable world of signs."
"I’m a huge advocate of semiotics explained in consumer-friendly language."
"Our job is: life, the universe, and everything."
"It’s a bit like 'Don’t mention the war!' — Don’t mention semiotics!"
"Semiotic analysis can cause surprise — provoking tears of joy! Or sorrow!"
"Culture is the source of truth and wisdom — and we are but mere vessels."
"Culture is the software of the mind."
"No matter how challenging the brief, the solutions are always to be found within the evidence at hand."
"Our work does not begin and end with the analysis of signs."
"Semiotics is not merely a science, but an art — and I enjoy the art part more."