Babylon Berlin
"Charlotte approaches her investigations not only rationally, but with empathy and emotion."
Dialogue, Q&As, story telling.
"Charlotte approaches her investigations not only rationally, but with empathy and emotion."
"Deal with the basics of semiotics without being distracted by the sometimes complicated theory."
Fascinating work and fun creative projects…
Call this sort of thing: narrative kintsugi — i.e., breaking, then making visible repairs to one's story.
"To hell with normative ruts."
May 22–24, in Porto. Be there!
"The semiosphere seductively lurks just out of our reach."
"We have the ability to interpret culture and make a positive impact on the future."
On March 22nd, a session dedicated to the ethics of semiotics work.
How to marshal myth, meaning, and embodied imagination…
"Learn to enjoy a liminal, confused state…"
"The mind’s eye and the reasoning faculty hovering dually at all times…"
"Semiotics is a lens that adds depth, intrigue, and even magic to the everyday."
"The themes we find can feel fleeting and unsteady — until we name them."