One Hundred Years of Solitude
"Semiotic analysis can cause surprise — provoking tears of joy! Or sorrow!"
Stories — true, invented, or somewhere in-between.
"Semiotic analysis can cause surprise — provoking tears of joy! Or sorrow!"
"Culture is the software of the mind."
"Our work does not begin and end with the analysis of signs."
"There's no reason ever to be bored; there's always something to decode."
Theory and practice can be worlds apart.
What is life?
"Charlotte approaches her investigations not only rationally, but with empathy and emotion."
Call this sort of thing: narrative kintsugi — i.e., breaking, then making visible repairs to one's story.
"The semiosphere seductively lurks just out of our reach."
How to marshal myth, meaning, and embodied imagination…
"The mind’s eye and the reasoning faculty hovering dually at all times…"
"The themes we find can feel fleeting and unsteady — until we name them."
"Cooking is not an exact science." Neither is semiotics.
She has no way of knowing how she knows.